terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2020

8 ano - INGLÊS aula do dia 22/04

Segue a aula de hoje! 

Exercício - Escrito no caderno.

1. Complete com o passado simples dos verbos entre parênteses.

a) Michael and Pedro _________ Brad Pitt at the supermarket. (see)
b) They ______ his autograph. (get)
c) I ________ a letter to my friend in Spain. (write)
d) We _______ our homework and then we watched TV. (do)
e) My mum _______ a cake for my birthday. (make)
f) Hey! You _______ my sandwich! (eat)
g) David ________ a present for his friend yesterday. (buy)
h) I _________ a very interesting book last week. (read)

2. Leia a lista de afazeres de Pedro para sábado. O que ele fez? O que ele não fez?

get up at 8.00! ✓
do my homework for Monday  ✓
tell Mum about the concert  ✓
get tickets for the concert ✗
buy some cat food for Snow and Bella ✗
send an email to David ✗
meet Henry (5.30) ✓

a) He got up at 8.00 (example)

3. Complete as questões e depois dê respostas curtas (short answers). Não olhe no exercício 2.

a) ____________________ at 08.00 on Saturday? (Pedro/get up)
b) ____________________ his homework for Monday? (he/do)
c) ____________________ his mum about the concert? (he/tell)
d) ____________________ tickets for the concerts? (he/get)
e) ____________________ any cat food? (he/buy)
f) ____________________ an email to David? (he/send)
g) ____________________ Henry at half past five? (he/meet)

4. Complete com os verbos entre parênteses.

Dear Susan,
I had an awful time yesterday! I __________ (go) to the  leisure centre with Peter in the morning. I _________ (forget) my swimsuit so I ___________ (not go) swimming.
Then we played volleyball with some kids from school. Our team ___________ (not win)because Peter was a terrible player! After the game I _________ (break) my sunglasses and then I __________ (lose) my i-pod!
We _________ (come) back home at four o'clock and __________ (find) Mum outside our house. She _________ (not have) her keys so we all __________ (wait) for Dad in the garden. He _________ (come) back from work after two hours!

5. Leia o exercício 4 novamente e responda às questões.

a) Where did Lucy go yesterday morning?
b) Did she have a good time?
c) Why didn't she swim?
d) Did Lucy's team win the volleyball game?
e) What happened to her sunglasses?
f) Why did they wait for their dad in the garden?
g) When did he come home from work?

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